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Framing options at NHS

Framing options at NHS

Our team has been hard at work securing and improving our supply of timber framing to help you complete your projects. With the current demand, we understand how important it is to keep your delivery timelines on track, so we have come up with a variety of timber framing alternatives with options for load-bearing and non-load-bearing applications.

MGP Framing

Available in both MGP 10 and MGP 12, this timber framing product is well-suited for areas where the frame is structural and a requirement for load bearing. Our standard stocked range is MGP10, and we continue to put our resources into getting more.

LVLs Framing

If you’re working on a project that has long, high walls that require longer beams, the benefit of LVL framing comes into its own as it reduces the need for frame straightening. Our stores are stocked with E10 LVL Engineered wall-framing, a framing option that is manufactured to be truly straight which helps save time on-site. The E10 can be a straight swap for MGP10 and is available in selected end sections and lengths.

F5 timber

This timber framing product is H2 treated and fit-for-purpose for non-structural application where MGP10 is not required. Available in selected end sections and lengths, you may benefit from cost savings if you choose to use this for your projects.

Steel Alternatives

Apart from our timber framing range, we also offer steel alternatives to timber framing.

If you want to know more about what’s available in store or lead times for specific products, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team!