Product Description

AUSPERL Vermiculite has a number of construction applications including lightweight concrete offering good insulating properties and fire resistance, loose fill between ceiling joists providing insulation benefits as well as sound absorption, silicate bonded blocks for high temperature kilns and furnaces, and in gypsum plasters or Portland cement.

Vermiculite plasters, whether gypsum or cement based, can be applied by hand or by spraying machine. Being a non-abrasive aggregate, vermiculite is well suited to spray application and the sprayed plasters can have an attractive decorative appearance.

The advantage which all types of vermiculite plasters give over conventional include:

  • Improved coverage
  • Lighter weight
  • Improved workability
  • Excellent fire resistance
  • Reduced thermal conductivity
  • Improved adhesion to a wide range of backgrounds
  • Increased resistance to cracking and shrinkage
  • Improved spall resistance