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Safe on-site, safely home

Safe on-site, safely home

"Nothing we do is so urgent that it can't be done safely"

At NHS, we continually refine and improve our safety procedures so that everything reasonably practicable is in place for a safe work environment on our site and yours. In the next few months, we will be publishing a series of articles that may help you create a worksite because being able to perform work on your projects safely means you get to come home and spend time with your family.

PPE On-Site

In this article, we will look at the different Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). PPEs are the last line of defense in creating a safe worksite and protecting your team from both major and minor injuries. It is important to be aware that there is a wide selection of PPEs in the market, and all of them are designed for specific jobs and applications, so make sure you're using the correct PPE before you start doing work.

PPE can include:

  • hard hats
  • earplugs
  • gloves
  • goggles
  • respirators
  • sunscreen
  • safety harnesses
  • safety boots, and
  • high-visibility clothing

It is always recommended that the manufacturer's guidelines for use and care of PPEs.


Before putting your gloves on, make sure that your PPE is rated for the task you’re about to perform, to do this, determine if you will require:

  • Chemical protection
  • Cold protection
  • Mechanical protection
  • Heat protection
  • Low chemical resistance
  • Cut resistance

Having the right gloves will mean that the risk of injury from any potential dangers at the worksite is reduced.

Coveralls and Dust Masks

Dust particles can be found at any worksite, and some of them have long-lasting health effects which lead to fatal injuries. Choose your coverall and dust mask based on the material that you will be cutting as well as any other dust particles that might be in present at your site.

Foot protection

Slips and falls are one of the leading injuries in a worksite, so foot protection is important and help prevent a number of injuries, like:

  • Protection against falling objects
  • Prevent muscle strain
  • Protection from the elements

Safety at your worksite

Worksite injuries are common across Australia, these injuries range from minor cuts to falls from high places. Safe Work Australia published their 2019 report which summarised the Serious claims by nature of injury/disease between 2017-2018:

  • 41% of the injuries were caused by traumatic joint/ligament and muscle tendon injury
  • 16% of the injuries were wounds, lacerations, amputations, and internal organ damage
  • Of the total report, 70% of the claims were caused by injury which 26% was caused by disease

Most worksite accidents and injuries are preventable when you have the right tools and process in-place, these Hierarchy of Controls outline how to manage hazards.

Shope Safety at NHS

To assist you do your job safely we stock a range of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which are designed to protect yourself and your workmates while on the job or after hours.