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Email Scam Alert

Email Scam Alert

A NHS customer recently received an email from a scammer impersonating a NHS staff member using a similar email address. In future emails the scammer would likely (falsely) advise our bank details have changed and tell them to pay their NHS account to a different bank account. Luckily, the customer thought it was suspicious and alerted us. We have handed the matter to Police.

NHS's bank account has not changed and we have no plans to change it. If we ever did decide to change, we would inform you in multiple ways including off-line methods. Please continue to pay your NHS account in the same manner that you always have.

To clarify, the scammer has not accessed NHS's systems but rather has created a domain and an email address that closely resembles the official NHS ones, to trick others.

It is important you review your internal process for updating billing arrangements such as payment/supplier bank account details, especially if you are receiving the request via email, to ensure you are not tricked and left out of pocket.

Please read this article and share with your staff for further information on ways to protect your business: